Monday, February 24, 2014

Almost a month

Dear Vitamin

You are almost a month old & you have really emerged in terms of personality! 
You have already had your first visit to a restaurant wherein we had our first family lunch. Seeing us eat you immediately realized the need to have lunch. So there we were, all 4 1/2 of us. As we tucked into our naan and paneer, you had your milk bottle :P.

And there is a story of you and your 'pajama'. So till date you have leaved no stone un turned to tell us how much you hate taking a bath. We have tried wet tissues, warm tissues, warm water & hot water. You like none! Similarly you don't fancy us changing your diapers ( a wet tissue is involved there as well). So the story starts when your daddy decided to change your diaper. Despite your dislike for the whole jazz you displayed your calm & confident face (you had just had 60 ml milk). After you had changed came the enormous task of putting on your pjs. Your dad started with making small folds in your pajama and then pulled your 1 leg into it. He then started on folding the other side of the pajama. All this while you were busy intently observing him slog! So as soon as he was ready to dress your other leg, you confidently pulled out your first one! :D 

This weekend in your many antics was when your gripped my lips with your hands as I tried speaking to you. Undoubtedly you are emerging into an independent spirited lady!


The Nutty Aunt

PS: Here is a list of your likes n dislikes at almost 1 month

Likes: Long walks (when some one is carrying you)
         Long Drives
         MILK :P
         Mommy & Daddy

Dislikes: Bathing (any thing wet for that matter)
             Changing diapers
             Upset Tummy 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dear Vitamin _ Week 1 Day 2

Dear Vitamin

I really hope that as you read this you have transformed from the teeny weeny baby in my arms to a beautiful young lady. Let me introduce myself. I am your aunt (or maasi as you are going to address me).I have started this blog as I know your mum is just too overwhelmed to blog about you and your daddy is busy showering you with all his adoration & love.

You have started your lovely life last week and I feel that you are delightful as a dumpling (my favorite snack by the way!).I'll start with the origins of your nickname vitamin.

Long long ago ( 9 months back) when your mommy found out that she was gonna have you we all were overjoyed. The problem started when we wanted to address you or talk about how you were kicking and rolling and having a nice time with mommy. Utkarsh (or uncle! or bhaiya! I don't know how you address him) came up with this lovely uni-sexual name. By then we did not know whether you were a little girl or a little boy. Your mommy laughed her head off with the thought of calling you vitaamin and since then you got this nickname.

Now that you are all grown up you know precisely whom to blame or appreciate for your nutty nickname.


Your Nutty Aunt